Say Goodbye To Fruit Flies And Gnats For Good – The Paper Towel Trick Changes Everything




Inspect and Clean Fruits: For fruits that you leave on the counter, such as bananas, make it a habit to rub them under water as soon as you bring them home from the grocery store. Dry them well with a clean cloth to eliminate any potential eggs.
Empty Compost Regularly: If you have a compost bin, make sure to empty it regularly and place the compost outside. If your compost bin is small, you can also keep it in the fridge or freezer.
Keep Kitchen Towels and Sponges Dry: After every use, ensure that your kitchen towels and sponges are dried properly. Moist places like these can serve as perfect nests for fruit flies, so washing them frequently is essential.

Trap the Flies: If you already have a fruit fly infestation, don’t panic. You can easily make a homemade trap to get rid of them:

In a bowl or glass, pour a small amount of beer, wine, or vinegar (balsamic, wine, or cider).
Cover the bowl or glass with plastic wrap and poke small holes in it to allow the fruit flies to enter.
Fruit flies will be attracted by the smell of the liquid, which resembles the scent of very ripe fruit they adore, and they will get trapped inside the container.
You can add a few drops of dish soap to the liquid to make it viscous and ensure that the flies remain trapped.
Empty the trap daily and repeat the process until there are no more flies inside. It may take about 1-2 weeks, but with perseverance, you can successfully get rid of fruit flies.
Once you have eradicated the fruit flies, continue following the prevention measures mentioned above to ensure they don’t return. With these tips, you’ll be fully equipped to face the fruit fly challenge this summer!

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