Maple Walnut Fudge




Heat the mixture as directed. While it’s coming to a boil, set a medium-sized bowl of ice water and a small metal spoon (your everyday silverware spoon) next to the stove. When the mixture has been bubbling for a few minutes, do your first test.
Dip the spoon into the mixture and coat the tip. With one hand, dip the coated spoon immediately into the ice water and then grab the cooling sugar mixture with your other hand. Remove it from the water and roll it around between your fingers and thumb and see what it feels like. If you’re looking for the “soft-ball” stage, it should form a ball that holds together but still feels a little squishy and can be flattened when you press on it (like a gooey caramel).
This process will take a few tries at least, but you can see (and feel!) it moving through the stages to give you an indicator of how close you are.

Stacked Maple Walnut Fudge

Why is My Fudge Grainy?
Refrain from scraping the sides of the pan during the cooking process. You can use a brush dipped in water to get the sugar crystals mixed in, but only at the beginning of the cooking process. Adding crystals later may cause other sugar molecules to attach to them, which can cause seizing and graininess.

Can Weather Effect Fudge?

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